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Welcome to the OkieTexan blog. The real purpose of this blog is purely selfish - it gives me a place to vent my frustration regarding the situation we as Americans find ourselves in. My views are conservative, so that will be most of the content you will find here. If your views are the same or different, please join the OkieTexan blog and take part in the current discussion. By joining this blog, you agree to remain civil, refrain from foul language thereby making this a pleasant and lively blog to visit. Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Have You Ever Wondered Why...

...the Mormon church has been running all those 'we're just like you' ads over the last couple of years? Perhaps they're trying to make Mitt Romney more palatable to conservative Christians. It's not working. 

...the Vice President is basically a high-paid, hang out and do nothing most of the time position?  Isn't it time to choose a VP with some really strong points, who could handle tasks related to those strong points instead of waiting around until the Senate needs a tie-breaker?

...so many folks who are labeled as a minority vote for Democrats? Why would anyone want to vote for the party who opposed emancipation? After all, it was the "radical Republicans" who were abolitionists. Lincoln was a Republican. Why do so many forget that? After Lincoln was assassinated and Andrew Johnson (a Democrat) became president, he wanted to readmit the southern states to the Union and allow those states to define the status of blacks. The Republican-controlled Congress wanted the federal government to insure black's rights. They eventually won that battle, took control of Reconstruction (granted - not always handled in a perfect way), and passed the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution guaranteeing blacks due process of law and the right to vote. As well,blacks went on to win many elections and were appointed to administrative positions, as Republicans. In the meantime, white supremacy began to raise its head in the south, especially in Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina where Democrats used violence, intimidation, fraud and murder to win elected positions. Sound familiar? In 1865-66, in Tennessee, six Democrat Confederate veterans began the Ku Klux Klan as a social club. Admittedly, in the beginning, it was not a terrorist organization, but unfortunately quickly became one and spread to all the southern states. Membership ran the gamut from judges and mayors to sheriffs and common criminals. These subhumans went on to commit unspeakable atrocities against their fellow man (woman, child) not at all unlike those of Stalin, Lenin, Hussein, Chavez, Hitler, Castro et al. There were a few states who took matters into their own hands - in Tennessee and Arkansas, Republicans created police forces who arrested and executed Klansmen. In Texas, Gov. Edmund Davis also created a state police unit, 40% of whose members were black, that went on to eventually rid the state of the Klan. Still, Democrats began to identify their party as the "white man's party" and went on to regain control of the southern states. 

Stay tuned for a little history on civil rights legislation. If the above offended you in any way, just wait.


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